Search Results
Il sogno europeo : Helmut Kohl - Storie Europee
L'architetto della Grande Europa : François Mitterrand- Storie Europee
Storie: Churchill, Kohl, Mitterrand
Who Was Hitler | You think you know Adolf Hitler?
Una Francia grande in un'Europa libera : Charles De Gaulle - Storie Europee
Inside the European Council: A Deep Dive into Its History
Un'europea "di ferro" : Margareth Thatcher- Storie Europee
Una vita per l'Europa: Simone Veil - Storie Europee
Becoming president and staying there: the secrets of the gurus of the Élysée - Full Documentary - Y2
Hitler The Arsonist - The Hitler Chronicles
Speeches that have made Europe: Herman Van Rompuy (2012)
Adolf Hitler | It seems inexplicable that he could come to power | Documentary